P90X2 Week 1 Results

A week of P90X2 Phase 1 – Complete and accounted for.  To be fair going back to hour workouts has been tough, but a week into it and I’m actually feeling much better than expected.  Weight wise I haven’t gained or lost, but purely on looks my core is significantly more toned and my shoulders are looking leaner.  I have to admit Saturday my legs, particularly my shins where very sore.

This programme has been supplemented with a good diet and adding a new greens juice.  I’ll post a recipe for that later.

Apologies for not posting this yesterday but it was hectic with a day out at the Armagh Planetarium to a Doctor Who Fan Event – Dimensions In Time.  A phenomenal event organised by the Emerald Garrison, our oldest loved the Tardis Console, the Doctors, the aliens and the atmosphere.  The youngest, eh, he wasn’t so fussed but then this is a little guy scared of Santa Claus!

So week one had a total calorie burn of 3,851.  Reviewing this against both P90X and Insanity this is a similar calorie burn but bear in mind there are only 4 intense workouts, one active recovery day (yoga) and 2 stretch/Recovery & Mobility workouts.  Focus T25 was less than half of this although thats to be expected.  One of the biggest complaints I ever heard about P90X2 is lack of calorie burn, one week in and I can’t find that to be true.  I will be keeping a weekly review of this and keeping an eye on it.

This morning was X2 Core again and I can happily say I upped all my numbers from last week in all exercises apart from the last one – one legged med ball burpees.  I just can’t do 12 in the time allowed, so I think next week it will be doing 12 in whatever time it takes. Sorry Tony but…I…will…just…have…to…pause..you, ok I’ll stop that as its annoying to type and equally read.

Looking forward to upping all my numbers this week.

Today I also used the last of my BSN NO Xplode V3 – our youngest was up late and therefore so was I and needed a little kick start this morning.  I’ll also be doing a review on it this week.

Until the next blog, yours in fitness & health


Tony Mac